Dumbbells for technique-Centr Hex Dumbbells

Size 5 lb Pair 10 lb Pair 15 lb Pair 20 lb Pair 25 lb Pair 30 lb Pair 35 lb Pair 40 lb Pair 45 lb Pair 50 lb Pair

The Centr Hex Dumbbells (sold as pairs) redefine home fitness with a modern, six-sided, no-roll design that ensures stability and reliability throughout your workout. Crafted from heavy-duty rubber and chrome-plated steel, and built with commercial-grade specifications like a dual weld process - these dumbbells are built to last. The straight handle has end to end knurling which provides a secure and comfortable grip throughout your training. 

Available in pairs with with weights ranging from 5 lb. to 50 lb., these durable dumbbells are perfect for a variety of exercises, from traditional functional movements to targeted strength routines and more.